Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

go plumb loco

I thought have the free choice for my model for SNTGD would be a great thing, but honestly... ICANNOTFINDADECENTMODELFORMYGRAPHIC! fdnvbifdisbngoogbgfnblfkndblkgfdnblkgnfds

oh well, maybe I set myself too high standards. but I have a certain picture of the models face in my mind, but there is no such doll. at least I cannot find her. guess I just have to change my doll again in order to have my perfect model. #meisgoingfreakingnuts

Freitag, 1. Februar 2013

Good morning everyone, it's 4 a.m.

Just spend a sleepless night working on my task 3 for SNTGD... and I can't believe it, but I am finished with it! It took me 6 hours and I am really satisfied with the outcome - so you can be curious!
Cannot wait for the feedback.

Oh well, now I am dead tired and tomorrow night will be just as long as tonight: go clubbing with my ladies!
Haha, good night or good morning or what so ever.
