Sonntag, 28. April 2013

Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei!

Can't believe that I just submitted my final entries for sntgd. I feel kinda sad.
Where do we go from here?

btw: I still couldn't solve the commenting problem. F-YOU BLOGGER!

Mittwoch, 17. April 2013


I am not taking anymore requests that are just going to be "wasted" for a portfolio or sth. Just accepting serious requests (magazines, banners, etc). The ones that have been submited by now will be checked and maybe done, but that's it. I no longer have the time to do as much graphics as I have been able to lately.

btw: I cannot add anymore comments under posts, even anonymous doesn't work. idk why but it really pisses me of :// so, me not posting under the sntgd post is not a sign of ungratefullness (no, indeed I feel more than honoured), but just a matter of difficulties with blogger. I am trying to fix it - if you have an approach just tell me PLEASE!

Freitag, 29. März 2013

#sntgd task 5

And excuse me, but I am loving it. Still... I am not having the highest expectations. Last time I was as confident I got kicked up my arse. So, I cannot wait for the judges' feedback.
And since I haven't been posting anything for a while, here is a VERY (exclamation mark) slight sneak peek of my entry. haha, have fun with it!

Donnerstag, 28. Februar 2013

go plumb loco

I thought have the free choice for my model for SNTGD would be a great thing, but honestly... ICANNOTFINDADECENTMODELFORMYGRAPHIC! fdnvbifdisbngoogbgfnblfkndblkgfdnblkgnfds

oh well, maybe I set myself too high standards. but I have a certain picture of the models face in my mind, but there is no such doll. at least I cannot find her. guess I just have to change my doll again in order to have my perfect model. #meisgoingfreakingnuts

Freitag, 1. Februar 2013

Good morning everyone, it's 4 a.m.

Just spend a sleepless night working on my task 3 for SNTGD... and I can't believe it, but I am finished with it! It took me 6 hours and I am really satisfied with the outcome - so you can be curious!
Cannot wait for the feedback.

Oh well, now I am dead tired and tomorrow night will be just as long as tonight: go clubbing with my ladies!
Haha, good night or good morning or what so ever.


Freitag, 25. Januar 2013


Feel free to request graphics. Just klick on the page link on the right side of the blog.